Use "take measures against|take measure against" in a sentence

1. He has promised to take tough measures to retaliate against extremists.

2. Take precautions against fire!

3. He called on States to take action against such measures and to prevent xenophobic attacks.

4. We have to take strong measures against him , he is as stubborn as a mule.

5. take legal action against such advertising;

6. The word “deaden” indicates that we must take strong measures to fight against immoral fleshly desires.

7. (a) take legal action against such advertising;

8. take legal action against such advertising; or

9. Attacking: to take sudden, violent action against.

10. Attacked: to take sudden, violent action against.

11. 22 Everybody seems to take against him.

12. We must take precautions against infections diseases.

13. L'll take a marker against your share.

14. It is then important also to take measures against that risk so that all risks are effectively reduced.

15. He will take up their cause against you.

16. Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

17. Encourage them to take a stand against Circuses

18. The gang threatened to take reprisals against them.

19. They joined take issue against the government's policy.

20. (a) take legal action against such advertising; or

21. Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

22. We have to take precautions against the hackers.

23. Eventually, Edward decided to take direct action against Mortimer.

24. 16 We have to take a stand against racism.

25. What action can a country take against a pandemic?

26. 10 The gang threatened to take reprisals against them.

27. Take your stand against Satan, firm in the faith.

28. 10 Take advice to insure yourself against being misled.

29. The school is warned to take precautions against fire.

30. Take up the Cudgels for/against sb/sth meaning: 1

31. Foreigners take 50% damage and deal 200% damage against Berserkers.

32. Take whatever you can use against them and get out.

33. 13 I'll take more care to insure against making mistakes.

34. The government is expected to take punitive steps against offenders.

35. 21 What action can a country take against a pandemic?

36. Take precautions against bicycle theft by always using a U-lock.

37. He stressed the government's readiness to take tough action against terrorists.

38. Propose how to take precautions against with decreases the sport injury.

39. We must take steps to safeguard our environment against these threats.

40. The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.

41. He may even take legal action against those responsible for the libel.

42. The US urged the United Nations to take military action against Iraq.

43. + Take with you all the fighting men and go up against Aʹi.

44. Can we successfully “take [our] stand against him, solid in the faith”?

45. Male ambassadors take up the Cudgels in fight against gender-based violence

46. Riders take double damage from Assassins and deal half damage against them

47. I will take to the sands Against the spectre of my countrymen.

48. 14 He might even take against her and she cared for him.

49. Casters take half damage from Assassins and deal double damage against them.

50. 13 The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.

51. One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.

52. To measure humble skill against vaunted prowess.

53. It blazed up against him, but he would not take it to heart.

54. Smiles all round as Alton men thankfully take possession against the redoubtable ladies.

55. When will the Commission take action against the advertising ban imposed by Greece?

56. The president will announce what measures South Korea can take against North Korea on its own and in cooperation with the international community, the adviser said.

57. If a boy take a fancy to a girl. He will take measures.

58. Satan dropped it there, I take it, intending a scurrilous jest against your reverence.

59. To Abduct is to kidnap — to take someone against their will and imprison them

60. Take the proper safety measures and Childproofing

61. In addition, take some other practical measures.

62. 30 If he knew, what action if any did he take against the journalists?

63. 29 The president will announce what measures South Korea can take against North Korea on its own and in cooperation with the international community, the adviser said.

64. We should take precautions against the damp, to prevent the grain from going mouldy.

65. They took punitive measures against the whole gang.

66. All employees in foreign aviations should take warning from this case, enhance their code of professional ethics and take precautions against occupational crimes.

67. □ What are some ways that an individual can ‘take a stand against’ the superior authorities?

68. 28 U.S. officials were circumspect Tuesday about the actions they're seeking to take against Pyongyang.

69. If you take the word of those Alongshore sharks against mine — 'the other began thickly.

70. She also urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over the deportations .

71. Nguyen wanted to take a stand by organizing and Amplifying a youth message against hate.

72. They do not take sides for or against any national, racial, social, or economic group.

73. 8 Patients who are less compliant may be forced to take medication against their will.

74. Residents have been warned to take precautions against dangerous winds, storm surges and heavy rainfall.

75. We should take many measures to stop pollution.

76. They petitioned the mayor to take immediate measures.

77. They take emergency measures to stamp out crime.

78. There is no statute which Compels a man to take an estate against his will.

79. Take up the Cudgels for/against sb/sth translate: 堅決擁護/反對

80. Play Boxo - Take turns against live players in our version of Dots and Boxes - Boxo!